Rain rugby hikes mountain bikes and Dolphin watching
As we both work in the service industry it is very unusual for both Polly and myself to be off for a bank holiday weekend . But that's what was on the cards for the October weekend we decided it would be a good idea to take off in the van Friday to Monday to see how the other half live as most of our touring is done midweek this was going to be a real novelty . After a quick fiddle about on the internet it was clear that most places were booked up but we did manage to book Tollymore Forest Park for the Friday night but after that we would be winging it .The term "WINGING IT" will figure regularly in this blog as this is our preferred mode ,we often travel this way it is one of the attractions of van live for us just take off and see there the road will take you . After the usual faffing about we managed to get on the road on Friday afternoon. I set the satnav for Tollymore it was showing one and a half hours about 100km all going well .Off we went , it was our first